Saturday, August 11, 2012

One more month!

Well time is really catching up with me! In one month we will be parents to a sweet little boy! I can hardly wait!

This past month has had some surprises, some I will never forget.

My mother in law and sister in law threw a wonderful shower for Beck... we were spoiled and had a terrific time! It was jungle theme and there wasn't a thing I would have done differently. So Much Fun!

My sister in law Lulu made the cake

and my cousin Jo brought these cute cupcakes made by Chubby Cupcakes

Kris had even ordered these cute receiving blanket cupcakes as a surprise for me.

After such a wonderful day we loaded up the car and headed home only Kris made me cover my eyes and said he had one more surprise. He led me into the house and took me into the old computer room and had me open my eyes... I couldn't believe it. Apparently he had all the guys helping paint, lay carpet and decorate Beck's room while I was having my baby shower. I love it and still can't believe it's done. I sat in there for hours that night just putting things away and imagining Beck in this room.

The next few weeks were difficult as I was trying to stay off my feet and obey the "modified" bedrest  the doctor had put me on but at our 32 week appointment we were told I'd have to go in the hospital for almost a week since I was already dilated 2-3 cm and 90% effaced. I didn't realize it but I was having contractions and they were worried Beck would come too early. So, Kris packed up our stuff and we planted ourselves in the Labor and Delivery room for 5 days. I learned what my contractions felt like by watching the monitor and to prevent them from getting too intense they put me on some meds to help keep them at bay.

When the doctors released us I was so thankful to go home to our dogs and our comfortable bed. I even got crafty and started painting some pictures for Beck's room.

We just had our 34 week appointment and the doctors are thrilled we made  it to this point and our next goal is 36 weeks. After 36 weeks they are comfortable with Beck being born and say he shouldn't need to be in the nicu at that point.

So, we are pressing along trying to get the last minute things done (still have to sew curtains for Beck's room and talk Kris into picking up our crib in Virginia) but other than that I have been trying to prepare myself for labor and watching tons of youtube videos of breathing techniques and labor positions... it's slightly scary but I know God made our bodies to have children so I am trusting it all goes well.

Count down to 36 weeks: 12 days.

Monday, July 9, 2012

3rd Trimester

It's already the 3rd Trimester and I still have so much to do!

This past month has been fun but exhausting... Raven is a wonderful addition to our little family but she has been a handful!

Kali has been great and still likes to check on Beck once in awhile.

I have been feeling crafty and making little outfits for Beck and Emma (Beck's little cousin who is due 4 weeks before him).

We had a small little 4th of July celebration, Beck will be here for next years big 4th of July family reunion! Hopefully he's not as scared of the fireworks as poor Raven.

Our appointments are every two weeks now- I really enjoy hearing Beck's heartbeat and seeing him on the ultrasounds, today was especially neat as we saw his face for the first time! (He has his little hand up by his face)

He's ready to come out but we are praying he stays inside another 10 weeks so he's healthy and strong!

This weekend is my baby shower and I am excited to share that time celebrating Beck with my family and friends! 2 more months til I get to hold my little man!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A little sister for Kali

No we are not having a girl... thankfully Beck is still all boy... but my dear husband did not feel a new baby on the way was enough excitement so he gave me these puppy dog eyes and begged for a new German Shepherd. I caved when I saw them and ended up picking out our newest addition: Raven.

So my husband will be perfecting his potty training skills in the next few months! He has his hands full!

On baby news, Beck is growing and causing me to feel hungry constantly... thankfully I crave carrots and popsicles (and the occasional hot wing- yum!) He can certainly tell when I have spicy foods cause he kicks around and does what feels like flips... I'm certain he's got his fathers taste buds. (Hot sauce on everything)

Shopping for Beck has become one of my favorite activities and I am finding the cutest boy clothes! This one was his daddy's favorite this week. (Not sure if I should be offended)

I can't wait to see what he looks like and kiss his little face!

24 weeks down 16 to go!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Oh boy oh boy... it's a BOY!

What a wonderful few weeks it's been! We celebrated our 1 year Anniversary by taking a hike up to the mountains and getting some yummy ice cream at Aunt Sue's.

Then after a delicious dinner at Portofino's Kris gave me a beautiful framed picture of our wedding day. We are planning to take pictures of ourselves holding our anniversary picture year after year (great idea which is on Pinterest)

Then the big day came... finding out what our little one was! 

Our sweet little baby is a BOY! We are very excited about having a sweet little boy, and I pray he grows up to be a good, strong and faithful man who loves the Lord and his family as much as his dad!

"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee..." Jer 1:5

We have decided to name him Beck and are anxiously waiting to meet him! 

We wrapped up the wonderful week celebrating Mothers Day with both our moms and Kris even surprised me with a sweet picture of Beck for my desk at work.

What a wonderful May it has been!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The weeks are flying by!

Weeks 17-19 seems to have come and gone so quickly! So many wonderful moments- Kris felt the baby kick for the first time then Kali wanted to feel...

At 18 weeks my little one was the size of a Mango- which I love but am allergic to!

At the beginning of week 19 my bump popped and now there is no hiding the fact that I'm pregnant- which I actually love. My baby bump makes me happy because I know we have a sweet little one inside there just growing away!

The baby kicks really hard and sometimes I can see it from the outside- slightly alien like watching something pushing you from within- but I love it!

April is gone and week 20 is quickly approaching! Half way point! We find out what the baby is in 9 days! So excited!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sightseeing and a heartbeat!

Well it's been a very busy 2 weeks! We took a trip to Washington DC for Kris' spring break which was so much fun! I never thought I would like DC much (the city it's self) BUT it's like taking the beautiful parts of New York, the action without the intense crowds and FREE stuff to do almost everywhere you go! I loved it.

Our trip started off visiting some friends in Virginia which was really nice. They even left tootsie rolls on our pillows (instead of mints!) The next day we headed towards DC with a stop at Mount Vernon.

16 weeks!

Kris had the honor of reading George Washington's prayer at a wreath laying ceremony at his grave side.

We headed to DC around dinner time and enjoyed a delicious meal in Dupont Circle. The next few days were filled with tons of WALKING which was actually wonderful since there was so much to see!

We caught the tail end of Cherry Blossom Season

Kris & I at the White House

Good Friday we saw men dressed as Roman soldiers walking around with a man dressed as Jesus carrying his cross. 
Our friends met us up in DC for the last few days and we were so glad to have them with us!

Our feet were DONE for and the Metro was just what we needed at the end of the night!

After getting back from DC we had something else exciting to look forward to... hearing our baby's heartbeat for the first time! It was so wonderful hearing that my little one was happily swishing around inside and his/her heart was beating at a low 140- possibly boy? We will find out in 4 more weeks!

Next post will have a better bump picture since it's growing and my clothes aren't!

But this one will be going in the little one's baby book:

We are now in the 17th week and feeling little tiny kicks from within... very excited to have Kris start feeling the baby soon!

Monday, April 2, 2012

A weekend Getaway

This past weekend we took a little trip down to Charleston where Kris ran in the Cooper River Bridge Run. It was the biggest race I've ever witnessed. 43,000 people running in the race. Insane.

We arrived Friday and enjoyed the Taste of the Bridge Run where we enjoyed a beautiful sunset!

Afterwards we headed to back to the house we were staying at. If you haven't tried Airbnb you definitely should! We booked a room last minute and instead of paying $350 for a night we paid $60 for a room at Anne and Vernon's place in Mt. Pleasant. They were wonderful hosts and it was comforting to know we knew a local couple to help us out with tips and directions!

Race rules stated that the runners had to be in line by 7am so I dropped Kris off at the starting line at 6:30 and rushed over the bridge to get a parking spot at the finish. Due to the number of runners the race started 2 hours late and Kris didn't even start until 9:41! I felt so bad for him, but he did a great job and finished in 70 minutes! I was so proud.

After the race we grabbed a bite to eat and headed home to get our Kali Dog. She stayed with Mom and Dad V. for the night and played so hard with Jud that she had "Happy Tail" poor doggy. (Normally her tail is straight up)

It was a fun weekend and went by fast but thankfully we have a short work week! Speaking of work I haven't told them about the baby coming, figure I ought to wait til I get back from my next vacation! Hiding my bump is getting a little harder... 15 weeks now!

I've been reading a lot about my birthing options- mostly drugs or no drugs... so much to consider!

Well, thats all for now!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Planning for an addition!

It's been over 2 months since Kris and I found out we were expecting an addition to our little family! Time has sure flown! So, before I got too far behind on the exciting plans and quirky details I figured I better start keeping track and what better way then to blog about it! (Thanks Lulu for the inspiration!)

I had begun to expect there was a baby on board in early January... however, I didn't expect this until AFTER the weekend in which I ate my hearts content in sushi and bleached my roots! (Sushi is a no no for prego women, however the hair dying is a wives tale)

I didn't want to find out before Kris - neither of us were EXPECTING it, but we knew the day would come and when it did we would be thrilled. So, I waited until Kris' actual birthday, January 17th, and took the test that morning before work. Immediately the answer was clear- however I was in total shock. Kris was in school that morning so I couldn't tell him, so instead I went out and bought several more, multiple brands. Well after test number two I knew it was for sure!

I took several hours wondering how I would tell him, and searching Pinterest for ideas... alas I found how I wanted to surprise him...  I was going to pop the question- kinda of...

I "popped" the question with a ring pop :)

His reaction was priceless but wonderful... I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband who is excited to be a daddy!

So then we decided to keep it a secret for a few weeks which was H A R D! Luckily I wasn't sick so there wasn't anything to hide, but all we wanted to do was tell everyone we saw! FInally the day came where we decided to tell our parents. We had a wonderful lunch with both of them and Kris made a video to make the announcement. The reactions were wonderful... tears and excitement all around! :)

Then on March 8th it became even more real... we had our first Dr's appointment and saw our sweet little one for the first time! 

I couldn't believe how cute our little baby looked!

It is definitely the most amazing experience to see the baby that God is perfectly forming inside of you. I looked at the pictures for hours. 

Now we are in week 14 and the baby is starting to grow which means so am I! This is my first "bump" picture... I did not eat a bag of dorito's first! :)

St Pattys Day bump

Those are my updates so far... now that I have started the blog I plan to update more often about our little growing family!